Dear Parents and Caregivers,

The Premier yesterday announced that schools and preschools, will reopen to all students on Monday 23 November. As a result our school, including the ELC will be open and operating as normal.

We will not be offering an alternative home-based program.

As the Chief Public Health Officer said, just because the hard lockdown is being lifted does not mean that the risks associated with COVID-19 have passed. As a result we will minimise the number of people coming and going from our site.

Wherever possible, please drop and collect your child at the gate and maintain the appropriate physical distance from other adults.

Excursions, chapel and assemblies will continue and will comply with state directions and physical distancing.

The transition program for the Foundation children will continue next week on Tuesday.

The Church service at School on Sunday 29 Nov will continue.

The swimming program for the Foundation to Year 4 students is cancelled for the remainder of the year.

The Crossways Community Fete is cancelled. We are looking at an alternative date in 2021.

The End of Year Service, Celebration of Learning will continue as planned in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday 9th December. Again, we will comply with state directions and physical distancing.

Thank you very much for your support over the last few days. We look forward to having your child back at school or the ELC on Monday.

God’s blessings,
Tony Peters

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